Fitness Friday: Polar FT4 & Quick WOD


Welcome to Fitness Friday! One thing I discovered about myself in 2013 is that I LOVE working out. I've always worked out to some extent but I really pushed myself in 2013. I still have a lot of work to do but I really believe that I'm in the best shape of my life right now and I look forward to being even more fit this year. So with that being said of course I would want to start a Fitness Friday on my blog. ♥

Today I wanted to show you a neat little tool I use for my workouts.

The Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor

Basically in a nutshell this watch keeps track of your heart rate during a workout, letting you know when it has increased or decreased. It also lets you know whether you are in your target range, under your target or above.
One of my favorite features with this cute little gadget is that it also displays the number of calories burned based on your personal information (weight, height etc). This feature is good for someone like me who likes to see numbers. It's also especially helpful for those who may be tracking their calories, it will let you know exactly how much you burned so you can adjust your caloric intake accordingly.
This particular HRM does have a chest strap which I thought would really bother me, but once I started using it on a regular basis I don't even notice it anymore.
I highly recommend this to anyone who may be in the market for a HRM.

I also want to share with you a quick WOD (workout of the day) that I did earlier this morning. I found this circuit on Pinterest but unfortunately it didn't have a link back to the original post (if this belongs to you or you know who it belongs to please let me know in the comments so I can give proper credit). This circuit is great if you just need to get in something quick but challenging, I did it this morning and I hope to get a run in later this afternoon also. I did this WOD with 8# weights for the sit ups. My time was 10:48.

Did you try this circuit? If so, what was your time?

**The Polar HRM was purchased with my own money, I just love it and wanted to rave about it :) **

xoxo, Sarai

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